Welcome, I am so glad you are here :-) My name is Angel Kennedy, AKA "LittleMsCoupons". I am currently feeding my family of 4 on $150.00 a month (which includes all health/beauty and households products too). We offer classes that can help you learn biblical principles for getting your family out of debt while teaching you how to shop on a budget and become good stewards of all God's blessings! Experience a Faithful & Frugal revolution in your household...contact us today. Happy Shopping, Little Ms. Coupons
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Publix Penny Item ~ 11/15 & 11/16
The Mystery Penny Item at Publix for Sunday 11/15 & Monday 11/16 is:
Publix Franks
This week's penny item is available with a $10 purchase (before coupons) and is only available on Sunday 11/15 and Monday 11/16.
Wanna bring the F&F revolution to your community or church? Contact me at FaithfulandFrugal@gmail.com for more information or to find out more about upcoming classes, book a speaking engagement, hosting a class or to find out more about our mini workshops.
Couponing Classes meet one day a week for a 3 hour "bootcamp" workshop. These classes are designed to help you slash your grocery budget.
Stewardship Classes meet for a 3 hour class. You will learn the biblical principles for getting your finances under control. Learn all the tools you need to become a Faithful and Frugal steward of ALL that God given you. The class also covers couponing & ways to slash your grocery budget 50-70% or more. As well as budgeting, giving back, meal planning, freezer cooking, recycling, money saving tips and much, much more!
B2GO- Buy two get one free BOGO or B1G1- buy one get one free Cat or Catalina- the coupon that spits out with your receipt CRT- cash register tape aka receipt ECB- Extra Care Bucks- the store credit that prints on receipts from CVS IP- Internet Printed coupon IVC- Instant Value Coupon from Walgreens MF Q - Manufacturer's coupon OOP- Out of pocket - The amount of money you spend Peelies- the coupon found on the package Q - Coupon Rain Check- when a store is out of a sale item get a rain check so you can still take advantage of the sale price when the item comes in RR- Register Reward - Walgreens form of a catalina Stockpile- multiples of the same item UPC- bar code of an item YMMV - Your mileage may vary, usually means depends on your cashier's mood. Blinkies - Coupons that are spit out of those automatic boxes in the aisles at the grocery store. eQ - Coupons that are loaded on your store card (like Kroger). Usually through Cellfire, eShortcuts and P & G.
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