Welcome, I am so glad you are here :-) My name is Angel Kennedy, AKA "LittleMsCoupons". I am currently feeding my family of 4 on $150.00 a month (which includes all health/beauty and households products too). We offer classes that can help you learn biblical principles for getting your family out of debt while teaching you how to shop on a budget and become good stewards of all God's blessings! Experience a Faithful & Frugal revolution in your household...contact us today. Happy Shopping, Little Ms. Coupons
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Glade Money Maker
Go HERE to see Southern Savers post on how to score some FREE Glade Soy candles! This is a money maker too, so hurry!!! Think holidays, these make great stocking stuffers or teacher gifts :-)
Wanna bring the F&F revolution to your community or church? Contact me at FaithfulandFrugal@gmail.com for more information or to find out more about upcoming classes, book a speaking engagement, hosting a class or to find out more about our mini workshops.
Couponing Classes meet one day a week for a 3 hour "bootcamp" workshop. These classes are designed to help you slash your grocery budget.
Stewardship Classes meet for a 3 hour class. You will learn the biblical principles for getting your finances under control. Learn all the tools you need to become a Faithful and Frugal steward of ALL that God given you. The class also covers couponing & ways to slash your grocery budget 50-70% or more. As well as budgeting, giving back, meal planning, freezer cooking, recycling, money saving tips and much, much more!
B2GO- Buy two get one free BOGO or B1G1- buy one get one free Cat or Catalina- the coupon that spits out with your receipt CRT- cash register tape aka receipt ECB- Extra Care Bucks- the store credit that prints on receipts from CVS IP- Internet Printed coupon IVC- Instant Value Coupon from Walgreens MF Q - Manufacturer's coupon OOP- Out of pocket - The amount of money you spend Peelies- the coupon found on the package Q - Coupon Rain Check- when a store is out of a sale item get a rain check so you can still take advantage of the sale price when the item comes in RR- Register Reward - Walgreens form of a catalina Stockpile- multiples of the same item UPC- bar code of an item YMMV - Your mileage may vary, usually means depends on your cashier's mood. Blinkies - Coupons that are spit out of those automatic boxes in the aisles at the grocery store. eQ - Coupons that are loaded on your store card (like Kroger). Usually through Cellfire, eShortcuts and P & G.
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